La Fleur Boutique
Bouquet "Explorer" - red roses
Bouquet "Explorer" - red roses
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Elegance personified, our exquisite long stem Explorer roses, resplendent in deep red hues, cradled within luxurious black wrapping. Each rose is a symphony of emotions, a testament to love's timeless allure. The classic red rose, a messenger of profound affection, whispers "I Love You" in the language of petals. Encased in opulent black, this bouquet resonates with the eternal charm of love's declaration, a symbol of enduring romance that defies the sands of time. Classic and captivating, these roses embody a sentiment that remains eternally enchanting.
300 stems - XXXXL
200 stems - XXXL
100 stems - XXL (in the first picture)
50 stems - Extra Large
33 stems - Large
21 stems - Medium
12 stems - Small